+61 3 9413 9000
Bayly offers excellence in technology development.

Globalisation of world trade has placed manufacturers under great pressure if they are to survive and prosper in today’s fast paced business environment.  In the face of increasing regulatory and Occupational Health and Safety requirements, manufacturers need to update existing processes or introduce new machine and technological advancements to create differentiation and competitive advantages for their firm.

Bayly’s manufacturing engineering services are offered as a natural flow on from our work in the product development and design areas.  We have a talented and experienced team of manufacturing engineers with experience servicing a wide range of industries.

Our team will work with you and your team to become the conceptual design, safety and development arm for your organisation.  By investing with us early in your process, you can evaluate and identify the risks associated with the development of new machines, products and processes, before going into costly production.  This ensures maximum returns; reduces manufacturing cycle times and helps clients reach their full potential.  

Using advanced simulation tools, Bayly can produce software models, or virtual prototypes of manufacturing systems and present them in visual animation formats that you can use to fine tune processes by adjusting timing, lag and other variables.  This enables us to solve engineering problems and provide fast and accurate solutions for linear, non linear, continuos and discrete time, time varying and hybrid system designs. 

picEngineering Support

For when you need a team of engineering resources to help your team solve problems, explore options, mitigate risks. 


Materials have a significant role in the development of new technologies.  A cross discipline approach helps to maximise your outcomes.


Developing processes is a complex task that requires an engineering framework to ensure success.

picProblem Solving

Is a highly complex intellectual process, a part of the problem process.

picCase Study - Seat Belt Assembly Machine

An example of our ability to reduce the manufacturing costs and assembly problems associated with existing production lines

picCase Study - Tube Stacker

Looking at new and more efficient ways of doing the most simple of tasks